Linux News

Friday, 02 August 2024

How to replace Windows with Linux

Are you sick of Windows fouling up? Do you want to try something different? Then, it's time to try the best Linux desktop, Linux Mint 22.

Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Why Linux will overtake Windows and MacOS

Although Linux still only commands single digits in market share, I expect that to rise exponentially over the coming years. Here's why.

Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Linux Is Free, But I Pay for Linux PCs: Here's Why

One of the perks of Linux is that both the operating system and the vast majority of apps are free. Yet if you try to buy a PC that comes with Linux, you might end up spending more than buying one with Windows. Why spend that extra money when you can install Linux on an existing computer for free?

Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Linux kernel 6.10 arrives

The latest Linux kernel is here, with relatively few new features but better support for several hardware platforms, including non-Intel kit.… Linus Torvalds announced kernel 6.10 this weekend and as usual it contains so many hundreds of changes that we can't summarize them all – for instance, the Kernel Newbies summary for this release has 636 bullet points.

Thursday, 11 July 2024

Do you need antivirus on Linux?

I've been using Linux as my primary operating system since 1997, and I have never installed a desktop antivirus solution on any computer running the open-source OS. The only exception to that rule has been when I deploy a Linux mail or file server, where I might add something to scan for suspicious email attachments, but that's server-only (which is a different beast altogether).